Up is a 2009 American animated comedy-drama adventure film produced by Pixar Animation Studios and released by Walt Disney Pictures. The film was directed by Pete Docter, co-directed by Bob Peterson, and produced by Jonas Rivera. Docter and Peterson also wrote the film's screenplay and story, with Tom McCarthy co-writing the latter. The film stars the voices of Ed Asner, Christopher Plummer, Jordan Nagai, and Bob Peterson. The film centers on Carl Fredricksen, an elderly widower who travels to South America with wilderness explorer Russell in order to fulfill a promise that he made to his late wife Ellie. Along the way, they meet a talking dog named Dug and encounter a giant bird named Kevin, who is being hunted by the explorer Charles Muntz, whom Carl had idolized in childhood. Originally titled Heliums, Docter conceived the outline for Up in 2004 based on fantasies of escaping from life when it became too irritating. Wikipedia
Director | Pete Docter |
Produced by | Jonas Rivera |
Screenplay by | Bob Peterson, Pete Docter |
Story by | Pete Docter, Bob Peterson, Tom McCarthy |
Starring | Ed Asner, Christopher Plummer, Jordan Nagai, Bob Peterson |
Music | Michael Giacchino |
Cinematography | Patrick Lin, Jean-Claude Kalache |
Edited by | Kevin Nolting |
Production, company | Walt Disney Pictures, Pixar Animation Studios |
Distributed by | Walt Disney Studios, Motion Pictures |
Released | May 13, 2009 (Cannes), May 29, 2009 (United States) |
Running time | 96 minutes |
Country | United States |
Language | English |
Budget | $175 million |
Box office | $735.1 million |